Paws & Relax Ultimate Pet Massager Review

Editor's Rating
★★★★★ 4.5/5


Editor's Review

The Paws & Relax is a massager with a rechargeable battery, and 4 rotating brush-like prongs. It has a micro-USB charging port, so chances are you have a charger around the house that can do the trick. If not, one is included. The look of it is super cute: a sweet, cartoony turtle. Just press the button on the turtle’s head and watch as the brushes rotate. So, looks swell in theory, but how is it in practice?


TTPM Dogs Piper, Lexi and Hope tried out the Paws & Relax. Well, only Piper seemed to get comfortable and enjoy it, but it took some convincing. Lexi wasn’t the biggest fan, but tolerated it, and Hope wanted nothing to do with it. Different strokes for different folks! Fam does indicate that you need to make sure your dog is comfortable with the massager first, so make sure to show it off from a distance first so they hopefully get used to it. Thankfully, it couldn’t be easier for a person to operate, even a baby can do it!

Price Check


Should I get it?

We recommend trying this out, but make sure to introduce the massager to your dog clearly and non-threateningly, otherwise they’ll have a bad first impression and be more likely to avoid it.


  • It’s rechargeable.
  • The micro usb charging port is ubiquitous, just in case the included charger goes missing.
  • It’s super easy to use.
  • The turtle decor is very adorable. 


  • Your results may vary based on the dog. You will need to acclimate them to it at first, so be sure not to make a negative first impression, or it’ll be a battle.

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