Creativity for Kids The Very Hungry Caterpillar Ready to Grow Garden, My Book Tote, and Story Puppets Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

The Very Hungry Caterpillar has eaten his way into your home with three new craft and activity kits from Creativity for Kids. 

The Ready to Grow Garden comes with everything you need to grow and decorate a chia seed garden. The seeds grow inside an apple-shaped container. Before you start growing, decorate the container with the leaf and stickers. Then add the potting mix and white gravel to the bottom of the container. Sprinkle some – not all – of the chia seeds on top, and fill up the spray bottle with water to mist the seeds and help them grow. Before closing the lid, add the caterpillar figure. As the seeds grow, keep spraying them with water to keep the soil damp. When your seeds have sprouted and are outgrowing the container, replant them somewhere else and use the leftover seeds to grow more sprouts inside the container. 

Decorate a tote bag to carry your favorite Eric Carle books with the Book Tote kit. The tote bag already has some grass printed on it, but kids get to use the stickers to add fruit, letters, and even a personalized apple tag. 

Kids can tell their own The Very Hungry Caterpillar story with the Story Puppets set. You can make a sock puppet caterpillar and a sock puppet butterfly by sticking the felt shapes onto the socks as shown in the instructions. There are also 10 foam finger puppets of things that the caterpillar eats in the book so that you can act out the story as it’s being read.

Price Check


Should I get it?

The Ready to Grow Garden is a hands-on way for kids to explore plants and growth. We like that growing these seeds is pretty easy to do, providing a satisfying experience.

The Book Tote is a cute way for kids to get creative, and it’s something that can be used for trips to the library or for imaginative play at home.

And Story Puppets is a nice add-on to the classic book, allowing kids to bring the caterpillar to life and act out the story. This also encourages kids to tell their own stories for the caterpillar and butterfly.


Bring The Very Hungry Caterpillar to life

Creative play

Fun to make

Imaginative play


Difficulty removing adhesive backing in Story Puppet set

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