Weekend Box Office: The Grey Awakens and Gets the Money

Jeez. I leave the country for 10 days and return to a box office report that might as well be in a foreign language. I’ve only heard of three of the top 10 movies and one of those three is Beauty And The Beast. Oops, make that four movies. After Googling the #1 movie, The Grey, which took in an estimated $20 million (exceeding expectations), I realized that I have heard of that one also. In fact, I’d like to see The Grey after (of course) seeing the #2 movie, Underworld Awakening, which took in another $12.5 million in it’s second week of release. As for the #3 movie, One For The Money, a quick Google revealed that it’s a Katherine Heigle movie so I probably won’t be seeing that until the next time I’m on a plane with 16 hours of time to kill.

Here is the Top 10 for the weekend of January 27 – 29, 2012:

1. The Grey ($20,000,000)
2. Underworld Awakening ($12,500,000)
3. One For the Money ($11,750,000)
4. Red Tails ($10,400,000)
5. Man on a Ledge ($8,300,000)
6. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close ($7,145,000)
7. The Descendants ($6,550,000)
8. Contraband ($6,500,000)
9. Beauty and the Beast (3D) ($5,345,000)
10. Haywire ($4,000,000)