Dog Heatstroke – What You Need to Know

(Disclaimer: Although we consulted with a vet* and have their sign off on the infographic, the content below is just an opinion.  You should always double check with your own vet and licensed professional before applying any advice, buying any toys or performing any tasks, especially when your dog may not be feeling well or showing non-normal behaviors.  Every issue is unique so seek licensed help before acting or making decisions.  The content below is not and should not be taken as medical, legal or doctor’s advice.)

From knowing the more common symptoms of dog heatstroke to having toys that may help prevent it; being knowledgeable may help to save your best friend’s life.  Use the following infographic as a resource and share it with your friends who have fur-babies of their own.  This way your playful pooch and continue to have a fun packed summer and you’ll know how to help keep your precious pup safe.

Symptoms of Dog Dehydration

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Unlike humans, dogs can only release heat through panting and the sweat glands found on their paws. That’s why it’s important to know the signs of heatstroke in dogs and to have ways to help prevent it from happening.  The information below will help your barking buddy stay hydrated and teach you some of the more common signs of K9 heatstroke.

Signs of Heatstroke

There are many ways you can start to tell if your best buddy is overheating. If you see these behaviors, it’s time for a break from play and to get help.

  • Excessive panting or drooling
  • Thickened saliva
  • Reddened gums and/or tongue
  • Smaller releases of urine
  • Rapid or irregular heart beats
  • Laying on their side without moving
  • Vomiting

What You Can Do for Your Dog

The most important thing is to get your dog to a licensed veterinarian. Their health and life is on the line. You can also take some actions to help your pup if you have a vet coming to you, but ask the vet what they recommend before trying any of these.

  • Give your furbaby water immediately
  • Place your dog in the tub and fill it with cool (not cold) water
  • Cool poochy off with a hose
  • Massage fidos legs to help increase circulation
  • Place a fan nearby to let cool air flow around your best bud
  • Keep track of your furry friend’s temperature

Dog Toys to Help Prevent Heatstroke

Dog heatstroke isn’t fun, but helping prevent it can be. Here are some toys and gear to help keep your pooch playing instead of overheating.

  • Doggy Drencher –  This fun sprinkler attaches to any standard garden hose and will provide hours of fun for your pal.  The higher the water pressure, the faster it will rotate, but don’t worry, it’s gentle enough and adjustable so it can meet your furry friend’s own personal play level.
  • Chuckit Water Skimmer -The rubber bottom on this fun floating toy will help it skip across the top of a lake, pool or body of water.  It is also durable enough for play on land making it a double win!
  • Chuckit Duck Diver – Pet parents love to play with this water toy. It keeps a float in the water with a whimsical design that looks like a duck with it’s head under the water.  It’s the perfect toy to keep your playful pup running back into the water to cool off with a game of fetch.
  • Chuckit Amphibious Bumper – This water toy is made of memory foam making it easy on your dogs teeth.  It’s durable enough to last through intense chewing and is made to float on top of the water.  With it’s bright color, your furry friend will have fun finding it and you can keep an eye on where they are in a busy place.
  • Chuckit Hydro Squeeze – Your best friend will have a ball with this ball.  It floats for water fun and also holds water inside until your K9 friend chomps down.  Upon biting, water will release giving fido a mouthful of refreshing water.
  • 3-in-1 water Bottle – Holding 750 ml of water, this 3 in 1 device provides you with a neoprene water bowl and container to hold the water for your pup so they can have a drink from a clean bowl whenever needed.  The neoprene bowl also works as an insulator to help keep the water at pups favorite temperature.
  • Pet Water Drinking Machine – Made of durable stainless steel, this toy will let poochie have a refreshing drink of water whenever thirst kicks in.  It fits most standard hoses as well as garden spigots.

*Dr. Dan Teich from has verified the information above.


1 thought on “Dog Heatstroke – What You Need to Know”

  1. Pingback: Heatstroke in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms and Prevention | Animal Bliss

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