Year in Review: The Top Toys of 2013

2013 was a busy year for We reviewed thousands of toys and received over 193 MILLION views on our YouTube channel. Which 2013 toys had the most views? Here they are, the top toys of the year in order of views. Click the links to see instant price comparison & where they’re in stock.

1. Little Mommy Bubbly Bathtime from Mattel – Classics stick around and the Little Mommy baby dolls? You can’t beat the “awwwww” factor.


2. Minnie Mouse Bow-tique Minnie’s Pet Salon – Minnie has become more popular in toys than her counterpart Mickey! And this year kids went crazy for Bow-tique playsets like this.5793_300_300

3. Play-Doh Sweet Shoppe Frosting Fun Bakery – Play-Doh always gets good video views every time we do a review. People just love seeing Play-Doh in action! 5674_300_300

4. Thomas & Friends Bath Buddies – Thomas & Friends still leads in the charge in preschool entertainment, and this little train is bigger than ever. 5854_300_300

5. Imaginext Monsters University Scare Floor – Nothing like the marriage of two popular brands! Imaginext + Monsters University = one great toy to see. 5947_300_300

6. Minnie Mouse Bow-tique Minnie’s Beach Pack – Minnie just kept delivering the views for us this year. With the strength of her new show, this mouse could not be stopped. She even had time for a vacation! 5820_300_300

7. Disney Baby Amazing Animals Finding Nemo Rollin’ Round Ramp – Even though the movie is over 10 years old (yikes!) Finding Nemo is still popular among our viewers, who are probably excited for the upcoming Finding Dory flick. 5378_300_300

8. Minnie Mouse Birthday Bow-tique – A great find for parents looking for themed birthday presents, this set was featured on our Kids Birthday Central site. 5848_300_300

9. Doc McStuffins Magnetic Activity Fun Kit – No surprise here. Doc McStuffins was one of the hottest children’s shows on TV this year, and toys like this that travel well were a hit with kids and parents alike.


10. Play-Doh Rapunzel Hair Designs – People loved watching our video of this Disney Princess brought to life with Play-Doh, another winning combination. 5707_300_300

11. Little Tikes DiscoverSounds Sports Center – Parents LOVE Little Tikes, and this one introduces their kids to a wide range of sports. A real crowd-pleaser with its many functions! 5717_300_300

12. Teen Beach Movie Musical Lela – Fans of the Disney Channel original movie went gaga for these singing dolls, leaving many like Musical Lela sold out across the country.6417_300_300

13. Fubbles No Spill Bubble Guitar – Plain old silly fun! Thousands of people watched this toy in action. 5712_300_300

14. VW Camper Van Play Tent – Many parents were probably searching for a way to relive their youth in this classic! Instantly recognizable and beloved, this tent caught some eyes. 6124_300_300

15. Play-Doh Plus 8-Pack – The new formula of Play-Doh allows kids to create new kinds of sculptures that regular Play-Doh couldn’t, and our video review of Play-Doh Plus introduced that to everyone. 5673_300_300

16. Doc McStuffins Get Better Check Up Center – One of the toughest toys to find in 2013! Though our video of this Doc McStuffins toy came out later in the year, it was featured on our Most Wanted list (not to mention the wishlists of a lot of kids!) which propelled the Get Better Check Up Center to one of the most-viewed videos of the year.6640_300_300

17. Doc McStuffins Big Book of Boo Boos Stick N’ Stamp Activity – More Doc of course! This cute activity book was a great alternative gift for Doc McStuffins fans. 5768_300_300

18. Little Tikes Clearly Sports Baseball – Parents are constantly searching for Little Tikes and toys that will keep their kids active, and here’s another one they found on our channel. 5672_300_300

19. Little Tikes Garden Table – This was featured on our Spring Play List and garnered a lot of attention, online and in stores. 5907_300_300

20. Air Hogs AtmoSphere – This indoor UFO is incredible to see in action but simple enough for most kids to learn to play in minutes. Our video showed thousands of people how. 6411_300_300