We’ve had a Fashion Makeover!

If TTPM.com looks a little different to you, it’s because we just launched our new redesign. We’ve made our site friendlier, easier to use, and more content than ever before to make your time to play better!

When looking at consumer reviews, sometimes you wonder if they’re real or posted by a friend of the company. that’s why we launched “Real Parents, Real Reviews”. In this feature section you will be able to read reviews from real parents with pictures of the toys being played with by children. You’ll have no doubt these are authentic!

We’re also adding more video toy reviews on our web-site. While it’s always great to read a review, there’s nothing like seeing toys out of the box and how they will really look like. come holiday shopping season, we will have over 700 video demonstrations. No more guesswork on what you’re really buying!

Ever want to be on a game show? Are you a fan of Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune or Price is Right? Now TTPLive allows you to be on our original game show and win toys every week. Just click on the link on TTPLIVE and learn how to play. It’s every Wednesday at 1pm! Free to play, but you need to know “your play” to win!

I hope you like our “new look”. We’re playing hard to make your playtime better!