TODAY Show: Playthings That Entertain and Educate

We are in the final weeks of the holiday gift buying season and I have had so many people email, text, Facebook message, and down right stop me on the street to ask me what toys and games I think they should buy the kids this Christmas.

As a toy and game “TV segment girl”, I get loads of playthings to review and test out. Between New York Toy Fair, the bi-annual toy showcases, and all of the samples that land on my doorstep – I see most of what’s new and “hot” each year.

While I love the fun and frivolous, I hold a special place in my heart for the toys that manage to incorporate a bit of learning as well. It’s that former teacher in me I can’t seem to shake.
I’m not talking solely about toys that teach numbers and letters and colors and shapes, although those are lovely too. I’m talking about anything that opens up a child’s curiosity, challenges their logical thinking, invites in open-ended creativity, or simply makes them ponder in a new way.

Today I got the exciting privilege of stopping by the TODAY Show to share some of my favorite toys to help kids grow, develop, and learn through their natural desire to PLAY.

So if you’re still wondering what to get that grandbaby, niece, nephew, or other special kid in your life, here are a few of my favorite things that entertain and educate all at once.

For more information, including instant price comparison and where it’s in stock, click the photo of the product below.

Tummy Time Activity Toy and Rug from Mamas & Papas
KidiBeats Drum Set from VTech
Goldie Blox and the Spinning Machine from GoldieBlox
Goldie Blox and the Parade Float from GoldieBlox
Kiwi Crate monthly subscriptions
My Little Christmas from Kiwi Crate
Polar Expedition from Kiwi Crate
Sparkup The Magical Book Reader from Sparkup
YOXObot “Orig” from Play From Scratch
Magformers Classic Set 30 pc from Magformers