5 Ways to Feel Less Guilty About Your Child’s Screen Time

Your kids are going to be playing with more electronics. There I said it, let’s just get that out in the open. Remember the original iPhone commercials where they mentioned pretty much any activity and then said “yeah, they make an app for that too.” Flash forward to 2012 and now you can pretty much mention any toy and say, yep, they make an app for that.

A clear trend I noticed as I stumbled through every square inch of Toy Fair 2012 was the proliferation of toys that now connect with apps. Everything from classic board games like Life to a foam ball you stick your phone in and bowl with has a connection to electronics. Like it or not, more and more toys in 2012 will have connections to apps, phones, tablets, computers – pretty much anything with an electronic screen. Of course, as parents we already struggle with how to limit screen time for our kids. I can’t help you with how to reduce screen time in an ever more connected world, but I can do one better – reduce your guilt over your child spending more time with electronics.

Here Are The Top 5 Ways To Feel Less Guilty About Your Child’s Screen Time

5. It’s Just Not Safe To Go Outside

If your kids weren’t playing electronics, they might be outside and it is just plain irresponsible to have your kids outside these days. What if they get attacked by killer bees? Perhaps, they have an undiscovered allergy to fresh air or sunshine. Do you really want to risk an asteroid landing on your child’s head? No. Keep the kids inside playing video games, where it is safe.

4. Someone Has to Teach Us Moms and Dads How To Use Our Phones

Think of it this way, your kids aren’t playing with too many electronics, they are simply being trained as smartphone tutors. This training is necessary because when we get a new smartphone, someone has to teach us how to work the thing!

3. Angry Birds a Game??? No, It is Clearly A Physics Simulator

Can someone please explain to me why Angry Birds is listed in the “Games” category? As every parent knows, Angry Birds is a well thought out physics and gravity simulator – one of the best educational apps on the market. I sleep well at night knowing my son loves to learn his physics…sometimes for hours on end…incredible dedication.

2. Studies Show Increased Screen Time Leads To Perfect Children

Sorry, I guess I should have said “Studies will show…” Here’s the plan, instead of buying yet another 99 cent app, every family sends a dollar to a “research group”. Let’s see, there are about 78 million family households in the USA, I am sure if we send 78 million dollars to a “research group”, we can get a study that says pretty much anything we want!

1. When Robots Take Over the World, They Will Spare Those With More Screen Time

With electronics in all of our toys now, it is only a matter of time before robots take over the world. Our robot lords will have no use for people who are not skilled in the ways of electronics. On the other hand, humans who have video game skills, the ability to watch endless hours of videos without getting bored and instinct like ability on how to hurl a bird at pigs…they will always have a place in the robot world.

There you have it, absolute proof that providing more screen time is perfectly sound parenting. Next time your son or daughter asks if they can stare at a tiny electronic screen for another 12 hours, happily say yes and rest easy knowing you are just doing what is best for your children.