Ultimate Squishy Human Body with SmartScan Technology Review

Editor's Rating
★★★★★ 4.5/5


Editor's Review

Last year, TTPM reviewed the Squishy Human Body, a realistic model and anatomy book that lets kids explore the human body in a hands-on way. But this year, SmartLab has redesigned the science toy with SmartScan Technology, so that kids can hear about different body parts, take quizzes, learn fun facts, and hear funny sounds.

The things that kids like about this STEM toy are still there: squishy organs inside the 16-inch human body model and the ability to remove the organs and set them aside on the Organ-izer chart (ha ha) for more individualized exploration. Then you can follow the instructions to try to fit everything back inside the model.

But with this version, with each body part you remove, you can place it on the scanner to hear more information about it, including sounds, such as a rumbly tummy for the stomach and deep breaths for the lungs.

Price Check


Should I get it?

We like the new electronic component to this, giving kids even more information about the human body and encouraging more interaction with the toy. We still like this for at-home learning, either as part of a home school curriculum or to supplement a classroom science education. Kids will like the squishy feel of the organs and pretending to be a scientist dissecting the model. Yes, there’s a little bit of a gross-out factor, but it’s all in the name of making science fun.

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