Thin Ice Marble Game Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

The game includes 1 Igloo Game Base, 3 Legs, 2 Hoops, 48 Marbles, Giant Tweezers, Tissues, and Complete Instructions. Set up the game base and carefully pour a little water into the channel. Don’t fill it all the way to the top! Place the marbles around the inside of the channel. Take a tissue from the pack and carefully pull the two sheets apart so that you now have two thin tissues. Lay one of the thin tissues over the top of the hoop.

Now it’s game on! Place the tweezers over any marble in the channel and pick it up by gently squeezing the tweezers together. Now place your marble on the top of the tissue and quickly pass the tweezers to any player so they can place a marble on the tissue. Players keep passing the tweezers and placing the marbles until one player makes the tissue break and one or more marbles fall through. Make sure you pass the tweezers to the next player as fast as you can because whoever is holding the tweezers when the marbles tumble will get a letter against them. The first time a player makes the marbles fall through, the scorekeeper writes the letter “I” next to that player’s name. The second time it happens to the same player, that player gets a “C”. The third time the marbles fall through on that player, that player gets an “E”. As soon as a player gets ICE, they’re out of the game. Keep playing the game until there is only one player left who hasn’t broken through the ice three times.

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Should I get it?

Makes a perfect addition to any STEM assortment! 2 to 4 players can play at once and it’s an easy to learn game.

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