Ryan’s World Pry and Smash Surprise Treasure and Super Spy Ryan Mystery Spy Console Review
Editor's Review
What is Ryan hiding inside the four pirate treasure chests in the Ryan’s World Pry and Smash Surprise Treasure set? Use the plastic crowbar to pry open the chests and smash through to reveal Ryan’s World-inspired surprises. You’ll find one of three possible articulated figures, one of five possible oozes, one of three possible ooze heads, and one of three possible face-changing figures. Once you’ve unboxed the four pirate treasures, open up the cardboard box for a bonus surprise: one of three mini build-it figures.
Go from pirate to spy with the Super Spy Ryan Mystery Spy Console, based on the Amazon Kids Plus series “Super Spy Ryan”. There are 13 surprises to reveal after you fold down the front panel, which has a pretend passcode on it, and punch out all of the surprise doors. Inside are three articulated figures, a spy bracelet, a metallic sticker, a bouncy ball, a controller eraser, three figure accessories, toy spy glasses, a decoder pen, and a computer console accessory. With the front panel folded down, it becomes a play mat for all the figures and toys. Cut out and fold up the computer monitor for even more fun and play.
Price Check
Should I get it?
Ryan fans will love taking on the role of pirate as they search for the hidden treasure or pretending to be a super spy and discovering the hidden toys. Both of these toys will be so much fun for Ryan fans, giving them an engaging unboxing experience and then encouraging a lot of pirate or spy roleplay with the toys they’ve unboxed.