Pictionary with Markers and Erasable Board Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

Being an artist is not a must in this game, it’s even better if they can’t draw! The object of the game is to sketch your way from Start to Finish. The first team to reach the Finish Square and guess a final sketch correctly, is the winner! Like i mentioned this new version includes a board game! 

The Start Space is a yellow square, so the first one to be played is from the yellow object category. The die is not rolled to start. The starting teams “artist” takes a clue, and looks at the word to be played.

The timer is turned over and the artist has one minute to sketch clues to their team. Sketching and guessing continues until the word is identified or the time is up. If a guess is correct, the team continues to play by rolling the die, advancing the number of squares shown and selecting a new artist. They’ll pick the color they landed on and get to guessing until the timer runs out.

The board game also has some fun squares that can change up the game; like ‘All Play’ and ‘Wild Squares’!

Price Check


Should I get it?

This is a fun game for kids ages 8 and up!


  • There are updated clue cards
  • The erasable boards and game board spice the game up a bit
  • It’s easy to play
  • Great way to include many people and
  • There are two levels of clues (Adult and Junior)


Something you need to have at hand is paper towel, otherwise your hands may get dirty with the marker.

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