Ooze Labs Visible Human Body Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

Have you ever wondered what you look like on the inside? Ooze Labs Visible Human Body gives you a glimpse, complete with squishable organs. This science kit includes 10 lessons to help you learn about the human body. First, use the toy forceps to remove the 11 organs from the nine-inch skeleton model. Lay the pieces out on their corresponding picture in the experiment guide to learn what they are. Then, you’ll go system by system to learn what the organs do. When you’re all done, reassemble the model, and keep it out on display.

Price Check


Should I get it?

Aside from taking out the organs and putting them back in, there isn’t too much hands-on learning with this science kit. The “lessons” are basically just chapters for kids to read in the experiment manual. For younger kids, adults may want to play and read along to ensure the educational concepts of this kit are explored. Outside of that, kids will have fun squishing the organs, removing them, and trying to put them back together again.


Skeleton model has removable organs
Introduces kids to the inner workings of the body
Squishing the organs is fun


“Lessons” aren’t very hands-on
Forceps break too easily
Difficult to fit the organs back into the skeleton

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