Head to Head Tabletop Pinball Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

You’ll need to do a bit of assembly out of the box, with nothing too taxing, however, threading the rubber bands through the hooks just right can be a little tough if you have big ol’ yeti hands. We were pretty impressed by the simplicity of how the bumpers started working by simply plugging in the handles!

The toy is bright and colorful, with an appealing teal and red-orange color scheme and decorative floor of large decals. The set comes with 5 pinballs which is good for multiple reasons, (which we will highlight in a moment). The handles feel nice and easy to control, and there’s even a ball catch to make accidental self-goals less common, and a sliding counter for easy scorekeeping. Playing games with a single ball can be over in an instant if you have even moderately good reaction speed, so we preferred to play with multiple balls. There is one element that pervades and informs the entire experience: the game is a bit lightweight. Because of this, it’s easy to rotate around during play, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, especially if you want games to last longer, but that also means it can rise off of the table or tilt easily too. This, combined with the very light weight of the pinballs, can result in some shenanigans. On the positive end, exciting and unintentionally bizarre goals, and on the other, balls flying out of the play field and into who knows where. So yes, it is a very good thing that there are 5 included, both to play “multiball madness” style games, and to ensure you don’t run out if the worst occurs. Despite the challenges, we must admit, it is pretty darn fun.

head to head tabletop pinball

Price Check


Should I get it?

Despite the lighter weight of the materials and chaotic gameplay, it’s still a good time! If the specific pros outweigh the cons for you, we think you should check it out.


  • It’s easy to assemble and control.
  • Five pinballs are included.
  • The quality of life features like the ball catcher and score slider are very much appreciated. 


  • The play board and pinballs aren’t very heavy, so the former has the potential to shuffle around and the latter can bounce out of play unexpectedly.

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