CoComelon Learning JJ Doll Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

If you like singing the ABCs and 123s with JJ on the CoComelon YouTube channel, then you’ll love singing and learning with JJ at home with the CoComelon Learning JJ Doll. Looking just like the character from YouTube, the JJ doll wears a shirt with colorful number and letter blocks on it and the words “Learn with Me!” printed on it. His body and legs are fairly soft, while his arms and head are plastic. Even his little blonde forehead curl is hard plastic.

There are four ways to play with more than 50 learning phrases. Press the cube in JJ’s right hand to learn about colors. Press JJ’s right foot to hear numbers and practice counting. Press the radio in JJ’s left hand to sing two songs (“The Alphabet Song” and “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”). And press JJ’s left foot to hear letters and words.

Price Check


Should I get it?

This toy is really cute and a great off-screen way for fans of CoComelon to continue learning and interacting with a favorite character. It’s very easy for kids to activate the features, and it might also inspire some imaginative play.

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