Néih hóu (Hello) from Hong Kong!

As I am writing this, I am sitting in a hotel room in Hong Kong. For those who aren’t familiar with how the toy industry works, hundreds of toy companies gather in Hong Kong every January. They set up in offices they have here, or in hotels to show buyers around the world their newest toy offerings for 2010.

Before I start talking about toys for 2010, I must mention that the food in Hong Kong is absolutely fantastic, especially if you are a fan of “real” Chinese food or seafood. Now, back to the toys.

As a big child, I am excited by everything I’ve seen for this year. Toy companies are staying on the path of keeping low entry price points for the consumers. While technology keeps improving, some of the best toys for 2010 will be about play, not technology.

You might be surprised by all of the new toys hitting the shelves right now. While you might think new toys only come out for the holidays, there are new products coming out continuously. That’s why we are busy year round!

Over the next month, you will start seeing reviews of our favorite toys hitting the shelves. We also have a special announcement coming in early February about a new weekly column on Time to Play… stay tuned for even more fun!