It’s no secret that we love games here at The Play Forum. In fact, we just launched a new area on our parent site,, dedicated to playing games. You can check it out now by clicking here. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you have a look.

Pretty sweet, right?

My favorite games are the ones that come on shiny discs and fit in the tray of my game console, which is why I was excited last week at Toy Fair to see Hasbro and EA’s new Family Game Night for Xbox Live. Hasbro Family Game Night, on Xbox LIVE Arcade, gives families and friends a new way to connect and play classic board games on their TVs. Games include Scrabble, Connect Four, Battleship, Yahtzee, Boggle, Sorry and Sorry Sliders. Xbox Live users will be able to play with family members around the globe so Family Game Nights don’t have to end when one of the kids heads off to college.

Look for Hasbro-EA’s Family Game Night on Xbox Live Arcade next month (March 2009).