Already Under Harry Potter’s Box Office Spell

Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows Part 2 has already broken a box office record by wizarding up $32 million in advance ticket sales. The Warner Bros. finale-to-end-all-finales will also set a record for the number of screens showing the movie with over 11,000 screens at 4,375 locations, setting new records for both the franchise and the studio.

Over 3,800 locations will light your wand with a midnight showing tonight, which is sure to bring out the most die-hard of fans and should make for some great photo opps. Do you plan to see the movie at midnight? If yes, please share your pictures with us on our FaceBook page at our Facebook page.

Update! Cynthia Fuchs’ review of the final Harry Potter is now up on Time To Play. Click here to read.