Tonka Chuck, My Talking Truck Review
Editor's Review
Preschoolers will have so much fun playing and talking with Chuck. Tonka Chuck, My Talking Truck comes to life with more than 20 sound and motion combinations. There are four interactive play features. Lift the dump bed to hear Chuck talk. Press on the license plate for more phrases. Push the hard hat to hear three different phrases. On the third press, Chuck rolls forward eight feet. Press the gas tank to hear two phrases. On the second press, Chuck rolls forward eight feet. While Chuck talks, his dump bed wiggles and his mouth moves. Four AA batteries are included.
Price Check
Should I get it?
Watching Chuck move and talk will really delight young kids who like construction vehicles. We like that there are different ways to activate the phrases and movement, ensuring that Chuck talks to kids throughout all of their imaginative adventures.
20+ sound and motion combinations
4 ways to activate the phrases and movement
Chuck really rolls forward
Inspires imaginative play
Mechanics are louder than Chuck’s voice
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