Over the last ten years I’ve been fortunate enough to attend the Western Toy and Hobby Show several times. The Western Toy and Hobby Show has always been one of the more enjoyable shows for me. As far as toy trade shows go it is one of the smallest shows I’ve been to. It attracts mostly mom and pop toy companies and start ups. A hand full of mid-tier companies have a small presence and the majors have quaint booths. It is a friendly show where many companies get a chance to chat and hang out with one another. I was introduced to many start-up companies there who have grown into solid toy companies.  It is a great show for industry people to get to know each other and talk shop. This year was a bit special as it is the last year that it was held at the Pomona Fairplex in Pomona, California. Next year it will be moving 30 mins southwest to Long Beach.  With my head down I take my hat off to the Pomona Fairplex. You will be missed.