Whether you are a gamer or the parent of one, chances are good that there is a pile of used games collecting dust in your home. So what to do with them?
Toys “R” Us is currently testing a new video game buy-back service that will allow you to trade in your used games for store credit. The repurchased games will then make up the store’s used game section, allowing shoppers to buy the games at highly discounted prices (as compared to new versions). In order for games to be accepted they must be in good condition, in the original cases, with covers and game manuals. Currently this test run is only available in New York City area stores and at present, there is no additional information as to if and when this service will arrive at other stores.
For everyone outside of the Toys “R” Us test zone, DonateGames is a new charity initiative where you can donate your used games for a tax-deductible receipt and give the charity games to sell to other gamers. DonateGames will then use the proceeds from the sold games to help people afflicted with orphan diseases, which are often fatal diseases that individually afflict only a small percentage of the population, but taken as a whole, are devastating to many victims and their families.
Currently the charity is only accepting game donations but the “Buy Games” option should be active when enough games have been donated. Non-gamers can also make a donation via a PayPal account.
Finally, there is a rumor that Best Buy might be examining a buy-back policy also. Stay tuned for more info on that and the Toys “R” Us program as it becomes available.