This Week’s New Video Games

New video games arrive in stores and Online every week. Here are a few games coming out this week that we think you might be interested in.

Deca Sports DS (DS/DSi. Rated Everyone)
Following the success of the Deca Sports series on the Wii, Deca Sports DS is a sports compilation title with ten games including golf, ping pong, wall climbing, bobsled and rugby, as well as quirky and exotic sports such as arm wrestling, clay shooting, cheerleading, sky diving and sepak takraw. In addition to the new sports and multiplayer functionality, gamers will also be able to design their own teams by customizing uniforms, changing athlete abilities and even altering the physical characteristics of the athletes themselves.

SpongeBob’s Boating Bash (DS, Wii. Rated Everyone)
Set in the familiar environments of Nickelodeon’s Spongebob universe, racers enjoy the ability to play as one of nine characters, customize the boat of their dreams and put themselves to the test across a variety of courses. The game features arcade style racing action, a wide range of courses and 4-player split-screen multiplayer support.

Look for all three of these games in stores and Online this Tuesday, March 2, 2010.