Tilt ‘N’ Shout Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

Test your knowledge and speed when you play Tilt ‘N’ Shout. In this game, two teams or players compete to see who can get the ball into their winning zone first. The centerpiece of the game is a twisty see-saw contraption. If the see-saw is tilted toward your team, then the ball will roll toward your zone. But if the see-saw tilts toward the other team, now it’s rolling toward their zone. So how does the see-saw tilt? When you call out a correct answer and tilt it down. 

The game comes with 150 category cards. You’ll draw three, lay them out symbol side up, and then pick which card to play. Categories include “types of dance”, “words that mean ‘bad’”, and “food you eat at Christmas”, for example. Once the category has been chosen, players take turns shouting out an answer (“turkey!”) and tilting the see-saw toward their side. While you’re thinking of an answer, the ball is rolling toward the other team’s zone, and if it lands in their zone before you answer, they win that round. The winning team then has to move their block underneath the see-saw forward one spot. The closer your block gets to your winning zone, the slower the ball will roll, giving the other team more time to think of answers. If a team gets to the last block spot and gets the ball into their winning zone, they win the whole game. 

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Should I get it?

This game is easy to set up and learn, but it’s definitely challenging. Time is of the essence as you try to think of answers that fit the category and do so before the ball rolls into the other team’s zone. We like the fast-paced back-and-forth of this game. With so many category cards, the game will be different each time you play.


150 cards
Game is different each time you play
Tests your knowledge & speed



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