Space Jam: A New Legacy Toys Ft. LeBron James Review
Editor's Review
The New Space Jam toys are here from LeBron James from Space Jam Legacy.
Today we are going to look at a few of the toys. There’s Space Jam Super Shoot and Dunk, the LeBron James Ultimate Tune Squad figure, Bugs Bunny with Acme Blaster, and LeBron James with the Acme Rocket Pack.
Lets start with my favorite, The Super Shoot and Dunk LeBron James figure. This comes with a toy basket that has scoring, and a King James figure that launches a ball. There are two ways to play with this figure, attach him onto the the base and then launch LeBron for an epic dunk. The other way is to just shoot, making sure the magnet on the ball isn’t engaged to the hand. The Ultimate Tune Squad figure comes with a basketball, acme mallet, and has phrases from the movie. The Bugs Bunny with Acme and LeBron James with Acme Rocket are smaller basic figures.