Make it Dance Review

Editor's Rating
★★★★★ 5/5


Editor's Review

Play a game but make it dance. In the active and creative game Make It Dance, players must create a dance based on a given persona and song. You can have anywhere from four to 12 dancers. Everyone gets a dancer card with a number on it. Then the dance captain for the round draws a persona card to determine who or what they will embody during their performance. These can be anything from grandma or grandpa to a DJ. Then, the dance captain draws a song card to determine what song to dance to. Song choices include everything from Celine Dion and Michael Buble to Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj. And if you scan the card’s QR code, you’ll be taken to a YouTube video of the song. (Some of the songs are mystery songs that you’ll only discover once you scan the QR code.) The dance captain’s last task is to draw a group card to determine whether the performance will be a solo, duet, or trio. If the card is a duet or trio, the dance captain draws one or two dancer cards to see who will join their group. Now that the group has been assembled, another dancer card is drawn to see who will be the judge for that round. The judge gets the dry-erase marker and scoreboard. The dancing group has two minutes to choreograph a routine. (You will need to provide your own timer.) There are no rules for how long the dance must be or what it must include. Just be creative and have fun! After the performance, the judge gives a score from 1 to 10, writing it on the dry-erase board for all to see. That’s the score that the dance captain gets for the round. A round ends once all players have had a chance to be dance captain. And if you have four to six players, it’s recommended to play two rounds. If you have seven to 12 players, you only need to play one round. The player with the most points wins. 

Price Check


Should I get it?

This has the potential to be a really fun and silly game as long as you’re playing with people who don’t mind performing in front of others. There are 71 persona and 71 song cards, giving you a lot of options for repeat play, but you could, of course, add in your own personas and favorite songs for more personalized gameplay.


71 songs and 71 persona cards
Inspires creativity
Fun and silly



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