Fantasma Magic The Official Magician’s Case Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

The Magician’s Case looks sleek, sophisticated, and mysterious all at once. The standing pegs are real rubber, and the rivets in each corner are real metal, giving this a more professional look.

Inside you’ll find a velvety tray with all your tools of amazement. First off and most importantly, your Book of Secrets, the contents of which we will NOT be showing you in the review! Take it from us, it’s really cool seeing how all of these tricks work. Unless you’re super sharp, you’ll probably need to read explanations a couple of times. Other than the Book of Secrets, you get an Incredible Money Paddle, Special Coin, 3 cups, 4 fuzzy balls, two strings, a metal ring, Tenko Cards, a Psychic Deck, and a Trick Pen. Using these items and your Book of Secrets, you can perform 122 tricks! The remaining 86 are in a section called “Magic with Everyday Objects,” which, you know, fair enough. It’s both nice that they include extra tricks you can do outside of the materials provided, but also, some more things could have been provided in the set, like handkerchiefs, dice, or a pencil, for example. A few of the tricks that involve the included materials also need tape, so have that handy no matter what. If you’re struggling with any of the tricks, there is a URL with video demonstrations inside the book. That’s a nice feature for visual learners!

Price Check


Should I get it?

Learning the tricks takes hard work and practice, but nothing beats the fun of performing tricks for your friends and family!

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