Disney Junior Firebuds Headquarters Review

Editor's Rating


Editor's Review

Preschoolers will be on the move with Bo and Flash when they play with the Disney Junior Firebuds Headquarters. This multi-level playset features a Bo action figure and a Flash firetruck, plus lights, sounds, phrases, and music. Two AAA batteries are required but not included. Adult assembly is also required, and some of the parts were hard to snap together. 

There are several ways to play with the Headquarters playset. First, you can place Bo or any other Firebuds action figure in the blue platform to activate phrases and lights. Using Vroom-Link technology, this playset will recognize the action figures, but additional figures are sold separately. 

You can also place a figure in the kid-powered elevator and use the handle to move the elevator up or down. 

For action play, place Bo on the clear foot platform and lift and lower the hood on top of Bo’s head. Place Flash on the launch platform. Then hit the launch button to send Flash riding down the ramp while Bo slides down the pole. You’ll hear the “On the Move” song play, too. When Flash reaches the bottom, Bo will drop down into the truck! (Or at least, that’s what is supposed to happen. It’s a cool feature when it works, which isn’t often.) Press the button at the bottom ramp to send Flash and Bo off on their rescue mission. 

Three stickers are also included.

Price Check


Should I get it?

This playset brings a location from the TV show to life, and with its lights, sounds, phrases, and music, it will definitely inspire a lot of imaginative play. While it’s cool that the playset responds to the action figures and has a very visual play feature, we wish that the play feature wasn’t so hit or miss.


Comes with Bo and Flash

Lights, sounds, phrases, and music

3 play features

Imaginative play


Batteries are not included

Assembly was difficult

Main play feature doesn’t always work

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