Alien Race and Doggy Dash Games Review

Editor's Rating
★★★★★ 4.5/5


Editor's Review

Doggy Dash and Alien Race are games for 2-4 players, age 4 and up. To start, set up the perimeter pieces in a ring to make the starting game board. Choose your dog or alien and place it on the starting point. The object of the game is to assemble your quadrant of the puzzle before anyone else and make it back to your home space.

Using the spinner, each player takes a turn moving around the ring and following the instructions of the space they land on. You could draw one or two puzzle pieces and place them, steal a piece from an opponent, or if you’re unlucky, lose a turn while spinning. The instructions allude to spinning twice in a row, but we don’t see an option for that, at least, not one that’s obvious. In any case, that’s not all! In addition to this puzzle assembly race, you can also use the finished puzzle to play search and find. Spin the spinner to choose an image to find, and then be the first to spot the item to get a Best in Show ribbon. Win 5 ribbons to win! This multifaceted activity is very clever, and the illustration and design on each board is fun, colorful and full of character that kiddos will love.

Price Check


Should I get it?

This is a great game to introduce young kids to both puzzles and board games. Both concepts are tuned to be easy to grasp for kiddos, and the illustrations are very fun and colorful.


  • It’s a triple threat, being a puzzle, board game and I spy game.
  • The illustrations are well done and very appealing.
  • The puzzle is an enjoyably easy difficulty for young kids.


  • One brief instance of seemingly contradictory instructions.

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