All month long, I’m conducting an unscientific experiment to find out if you can really lose weight with a workout video game. You can read the original post here. The game I’m using is Your Shape: Fitness Evolved by Ubisoft and the game system is Xbox’s Kinect.

It’s Monday so that means its time for a weigh-in. I was a little nervous getting on the scale today because I had a friend come to visit for a few days, which led to falling off the fitness wagon a bit. I still did my daily workout but there were a few beers consumed and an order of stake fries at our local pub one night.

Last week I weighed 188 and as of today, I’m down to 186 for another two pounds lost in one week. That’s a total of five pounds lost since starting this Kinect Challenge at the beginning of the month.

Tune in next week to see if I can keep losing.