Cooking Around the Campfire Equals Bonding Time

Nothing brings the family together like a camping trip—except maybe for cooking and sharing a meal. When you combine the two, it’s the ultimate bonding experience. Here are some tips and menu ideas for camp cooking that will please taste buds of every age, whether you’re enjoying the comfort of an RV or staking your tent in the woods.

Most importantly, a camping trip makes a memorable family vacation on a budget. In these days when a little tightening of the belt is necessary, it is great to know you can get away for a while from the work-a-day world, spend some time with the kids, and not have to spend a lot of money. The cost of motels or hotels along with three meals a day in restaurants adds up. The larger the family, the larger the expense! However, on a camping trip, you can avoid all these costs by sleeping in a tent or RV motorhome and cooking over a campfire, on a camp stove, or in your RV’s self-contained kitchen.

Explore many camp cooking recipes for a wide choice of breakfasts, dinners, and desserts to fix while you are on your camping vacation. One fun breakfast to prepare is the Girl Scout’s Breakfast. Not just for Girl Scouts, this is a combination of all the healthy breakfast food favorites, including eggs, bacon, and potatoes. Add other veggies for variation.

Dinners are always fun, and you can’t beat the delicious Chicken Enchilada Nacho Bowls. Some dinners will require a little preparation before you leave home, and you’ll be bringing the start of the meal along with you on your trip. Then you will just need to reheat when ready to chow down. Apple Pie on a Stick makes a great dessert that the kids will get a real kick out of. A roasted apple dipped in cinnamon sugar is anyone’s delight!

When the kids join in on the cooking, it creates an atmosphere of family fun and bonding is inevitable. Camping itself is an adventure. The family joining together to explore the wilderness areas of our beautiful America brings everyone together in ways nothing else can. And fixing meals together over an open fire or on a camp stove makes everyone pull together to get that meal ready quickly. After all, a day of hiking, swimming, and fishing works up a real appetite! Camping and camp cooking is the ultimate family vacation experience.

About the Author

Joe Laing is the Marketing Director for El Monte RV, your nationwide source for RV rentals. El Monte RV also sells used motorhomes through eight different locations across the United States.