The Maze Runner is the latest movie based on a young-adult, dystopian novel. The future looks bright for this new series as the first movie (of possibly four) debuted with a great $32.5 million and the #1 spot on the list. Two other new movies opened over the weekend. A Walk Among the Tombstones and This Is Where I Leave You, opened in 2nd and 3rd (respectively).
Of the summer, big-budget, blockbusters, Guardians of the Galaxy and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles remain in the Top 10. Guardians has now earned $313 million and Ninja Turtles latest total stands at $185 million.
TTPM (that’s us) has reviews of the toys for Guardians and Ninja Turtles. You can see the reviews for Guardians of the Galaxy by clicking here and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles here.
Here is The Top 10 for the weekend September 19 – 21, 2014:
1. The Maze Runner ($32.5M)
2. A Walk Among the Tombstones ($13.1M)
3. This Is Where I Leave You ($11.9M)
4. No Good Deed ($10.2M)
5. Dolphin Tale 2 ($9.0M)
6. Guardians of the Galaxy ($5.2M)
7. Let’s Be Cops ($2.7M)
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ($2.6M)
9. The Drop ($2.0M)
10. If I Stay ($1.8M)
New Movies in bold.
Figures from Rotten Tomatoes.
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