by Jeff McKinney
There are two new very interesting rumors currently floating around the video game industry and one long-awaited announcement has finally been made. The first rumor is that Microsoft will be offering a new Xbox 360 bundle deal that will include the 360 Elite (the top of the line model) and the two video games, Halo 3 and Fable 2 (two of the hottest games available) for the price of $400. If true, this is a great deal for anyone who has been thinking about buying an Xbox 360. We should know in a few days if this rumor is true or not.
The second rumor involves Netflix and the ability to download and watch movies on your TV with a game system. Currently, Xbox 360 owners can already take advantage of this feature so the rumor is that Netflix is looking into bringing the same feature to the Wii and PS3 (or perhaps just one of these).
And finally, Nintendo has announced the release date for the new Wii MotionPlus, an add-on peripheral for the Wii-Remote that will give players greatly increased precision motion control. In other words, your on-screen actions will more closely follow along with your Wii-Remote movements, reducing the lag that currently exits. The Wii MotionPlus will be in stores on June 8 for $20. You can also buy the MotionPlus in July with the new game, Wii Sports Resort for $49.99.
Stay tuned for more gaming rumors, news and announcements.