Buy Now or Buy Later?

This is the question I am often asked: Do I do my shopping now or do wait until after Thanksgiving when the bigger sales start? Well, if you haven’t shopped for toys that much, you’ll learn this is entirely different than shopping for other presents

When people shop for a jacket or a shirt they’ve found, they often watch the price to see if it’s going to fall as the days count down until December 25. Toys, on the other hand, are entirely different. Here’s the fact: If you wait until Dec 10 to do your shopping, there’s a good chance the hottest selling toys will be sold out. Toys like Leappad Explorer and the Monster High Dead Tired Dolls will probably never go on sale as they’ll both be in short quantity this holiday season.

Will there be bargains in December on toys? Yes. Will it be on the hottest toys? Usually not, as they’ll be sold out by then. Once you know the toys your kids have to have, or you definitely want to buy, don’t hesitate or wait. The best answer is shop now for what you need, and shop later for bargains.

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